You miss 84% of what is being said about your venues.

Over 80% of what’s said about your places is shared via Instagram stories.
Try Prousto for 7 days
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The BAM social media team uses Prousto to capture every story about their venues.
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A hotel in Bora Bora loves Prousto for giving an overview of what's being said about their place.
your control center

Story, Post, Reel, TikTok, Google Reviews.
You’ll know everything said about your
restaurant hotel gym museum theater

15 times more stories are posted than Google reviews

Prousto collects everything that's said about your venues.

Prousto collects everything said about your venues:

  • Instagram stories
  • Instagram posts and reels
  • TikTok videos
  • Google reviews

Management teams can use Prousto to get an overview of customer feedback and compare it to competitors.

Meanwhile, marketing and social media teams can use it to strengthen customer engagement.

Sky is the limit

Don't limit yourself to Google reviews

Social media feedback is key to your success
Insta post
Insta reel
Insta story
Google review
Believe it or not, for every Google review posted, 15 stories are shared!
By overlooking the stories posted at your venues, you're missing out on valuable feedback.
Gen Z and those under 35 rely on social media to choose a venue.
A venue that's visible and active on social media will be more attractive to the younger generation.
A story posted reaches 500 people, sometimes even hundreds of thousands.
Someone is talking about you to 500 or 5,000 people, and you don’t want to know what’s being said?
You want to know

Real value for your business

In hospitality, the key lies in the teams.

Flawless customer service

One of your customers posts a story and receives a thank-you message quickly. We promise the "wow" effect will be there.

merci pour votre story.
En espérant que vous ayez passé un bon moment.
L’équipe Loulou’s

Motivate your teams

By sharing positive feedback from your customers' posts on social medias, you'll inspire your teams to give their best.

Measure the impact of your events

By analyzing the number of stories and posts, as well as their reach, you can accurately measure whether your events have met their goals.

fashion week

With Prousto, you can also find your future ambassadors, gather UGC content for your next campaigns, and compare yourself to your competitors with just one click.

They use Prousto

Discover what people are saying
about your establishments
with Prousto.